Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Light is an electromagnetic wave similar to radio waves. It has wavelength and frequency.
It travels at 300,000,000 metres per second.
Wavelength, frequency and the speed of light are related.

Wavelength x frequency = the speed of light.

Different colours of light have different frequencies.

When a ray of light hits a shiny surface it is REFLECTED.
The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.

When light passes from one transparent material to another it is REFRACTED.(bent).

LENSES use refraction. CONVEX lenses FOCUS a beam of light to a point.

CONCAVE lenses cause the beam to DIVERGE.

The PRIMARY colours which make up white light can be separated out by a glass PRISM.

Three of the primary colours, RED, GREEN and BLUE are used in the colour television system.
By mixing them most other colours can be made.
In the next diagram, red and green make yellow, green and blue make cyan and red and blue make magenta.
White is made by using all three colours.


Clipping removes part of the positive or negative peaks of a signal or both.

Silicon diodes do not conduct until the applied voltage exceeds about 0.6 volts and only when the anode is positive with respect to the cathode.

The circuit is like a potential divider with the diode part being high resistance for voltages below 0.6 volts and low resistance above.

Fig. 1 shows the waveform into the clipper.

Fig. 2 is the output of a positive clipper and fig. 3 the output of a negative clipper.

Fig. 4 has both peaks clipped and is often used as a LIMITER where the output must not exceed 1.2 volts.


Some irons, when dug up, attract other metals.
They are called MAGNETS.
The reason that they are magnetic is that their DOMAINS are aligned.
One end of a bar magnet is the NORTH POLE, the other end the SOUTH POLE.

A rule of magnetism is that LIKE POLES REPEL, UNLIKE POLES ATTRACT.
North attracts South and repels North etc.
The North pointer on a compass is actually a South pole since it is attracted by the North pole of the earth.

A magnet is surrounded by an invisible MAGNETIC FIELD made of magnetic LINES OF FORCE.
These lines of force can be made visible by covering a magnet with a sheet of paper and sprinkling iron filings on the paper.

The lines of force run from north to south.

Lines of force pass through all materials including insulators.
They pass through some more easily than others.
These are said to have a lower RELUCTANCE.
Iron has a lower reluctance than air.
The lines of force prefer to pass through lower reluctance materials.

PERMANENT magnets are made of steel or steel alloys. Brass, copper and aluminium do not magnetise.


When current travels through a wire, a magnetic field, made of lines of force, is formed around the wire.If the wire is coiled, the lines of force link with each other.

The result is a magnetic field with the same shape as the field surrounding a bar magnet.
The strength of the field is determined by the number of turns and the current through the coil.
The field can be concentrated by placing a steel or iron CORE in the centre of the coil.

This is called an ELECTROMAGNET or SOLENOID.

If a soft iron core is used, it becomes only temporarily magnetised when the current is switched on, losing its magnetism when switched off.
This effect is used in bells and buzzers, and in scrapyards for shifting metal scrap around.

The field has a North and a South pole.
It obeys the same rules as a bar magnet.
Like poles repel each other, unlikes attract.

Electromagnets can react with bar magnets.
This effect is used in loudspeakers, moving coil meters etc.


A filter circuit is like a sieve. It allows some things through and holds back others. In this case we are talking about AC frequencies. Some frequencies pass through the filter while others are rejected.The characteristics of a filter can be shown on a graph called a FREQUENCY RESPONSE CURVE.

VOLTAGE OUT is plotted against FREQUENCY.

Figure 2 shows a LOW PASS filter response curve giving output at low frequencies but none at higher frequencies.

Figure 3 shows a selection of filter characteristics.Simple filters can be made from capacitors and resistors.
Filters have many applications.

In audio frequency amplifiers, CROSSOVER filters to direct low frequencies to the WOOFER and high frequencies to the TWEETER speakers.

In SCRATCH filters to remove unwanted high frequency noise.

In NOTCH filters to remove whistles due to two radio stations being too close together in frequency.

In Hum filters to remove low frequency noise due to the mains supply.


Like charges repel, unlike attract.
In the first diagram, when the switch is closed, the negative terminal of the battery repels the negative electrons and pushes them onto the upper plate of the capacitor C.
Similarly, the positive terminal attracts the negative electrons away from the lower plate.
If the battery is now removed, C remains charged up to the battery voltage.
This can be dangerous, since capacitors can remain charged to high voltages for a long time.

If a screwdriver is now placed across the capacitor terminals, the surplus electrons on the upper plate will now flow to the lower plate.
The C is now discharged.
Doing this can also be dangerous.
The screwdriver has a low resistance, and Mr Ohm says "low resistance means high current". One vapourised screwdriver !!
Therefore large, highly charged capacitors must be discharged via a resistor, to limit the amount of discharge current that can flow.

In the second diagram, a resistor R has been placed in series with C.
When the switch is closed, C charges from the battery, as described previously.
The charging current passes through R.
Since R limits the amount of current that can flow (Ohms law), C takes time to charge up to the battery voltage.
The larger the values of C and R, the longer C takes to charge.
Liken it to filling a bucket with a hosepipe.
The larger the bucket (C), and the more you stand on the hosepipe (R), then the longer it takes to fill the bucket.

The value of C in Farads, multiplied by the value of R in ohms, gives us the TIME CONSTANT (RC), measured in seconds.
If C = 2 Farads and R = 10 ohms then RC = 20 seconds.
This means that C will take 20 seconds to charge up to 63 % of the battery voltage.
If it is a 100 volt battery, then after 20 seconds, the capacitor voltage will be 63 volts.

If we draw a graph of the increase of capacitor voltage against time, then we get a curve that is not linear ( not a straight line).
The curve is exponential.
It increases rapidly at the start and then slows down.
It gets slooower and sloooooower.

If C is discharged, by connecting a resistor across it, then the capacitor voltage falls BY 63 % after RC seconds.

Time constants are often used where a time delay is required.

Conductors and Insulators


These are materials in which it is easy to get electrons to move and provide a flow of electric current.
Conductors are mostly metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron and lead.
Carbon is a conductor as well as some gases (as in fluorescent tubes) and water containing some chemicals.
These are not perfect conductors and offer some resistance to the flow of current.

The resistance of a conductor (such as a metal rod) is determined by three things.

(1) its length. The longer its length the higher its resistance.
(2) its cross-sectional area. The bigger this is the lower is its resistance.
(3) the material of which it is made.

All materials have RESISTIVITY.
The higher the value of resistivity the higher the resistance.
It is measured in OHM METRES.

length x resistivity
Resistance = -------------------------------
cross-sectional area


These are materials in which it is difficult to get current to flow.
Examples are rubber, pvc, paper, polystyrene and oil.
Even with these it is possible to get some current flowing if the applied voltage is high enough.

There is another class of materials called semi-conductors.
These have a resistance between insulators and conductors.
Examples are silicon and germanium and are used in diodes and transistors.


Circuit diagrams are one method of describing electronic equipment.
They are made up of BS3939 standard circuit symbols.
READING a circuit diagram is the ability to look at the diagram and understand how the circuitry works.
Be aware that the layout of the circuit diagram may be nothing like the physical layout of the actual equipment.
Although the circuit diagram shows all capacitors the same size and shape, in reality they will be of assorted sizes, shapes and colour.
This applies to other components.


When an object is heated above the temperature of its surroundings it will lose heat to the surroundings.

Heat is transferred in three ways.

If one end of a metal bar is heated then heat is transferred by conduction to the cold end.
Good electrical conductors such as copper and gold are good conductors of heat.
Poor electrical conductors, such as wood and paper, are poor heat conductors.

Heat can be conducted between two objects if they are in close contact.
For example between a soldering iron and a soldering terminal; or between a power transistor and its heatsink.

Here, heat is transferred by the movement of a gas or a liquid.
Hot air rises and cold air falls. Liquids behave in a similar manner.
A hot resistor causes convection, transferring heat from the resistor to the surrounding air.
Hot water in a pan rises to the top while the cold water falls to the bottom.
These movements are called convection currents (nothing to do with electric currents).
The above process is called NATURAL CONVECTION.
If a fan is used to aid convection it is called FORCED CONVECTION.

This does not need a gas or liquid to transfer the heat.
Heat is expelled mostly in the form of infrared radiation.
This is a form of light and travels at the speed of light.
It can travel through a vacuum.
This is why we can feel the heat of the sun even though it has to travel through the vacuum of space to reach earth.

Polished surfaces are poor radiators but good reflectors of heat. That is why electric fires have shiny reflectors.

Black objects are good radiators.

Heat causes solid objects to expand.
That is why they have gaps in railway lines and bridges to allow for summertime temperatures.

Different metals expand at different rates.
A temperature switch can be made from two strips of disimilar metals fixed together.
As the temperature increases, one strip grows longer than the other, causing the strips to curve. This in turn breaks (or makes) a circuit.Increasing temperatures also cause liquids to expand. This behaviour is used in the thermometer.

Gases also expand with temperature increases.

Heat is one of the biggest enemies of electronics, causing components to fail.
To minimise the effects some action can be taken.
Increasing the surface area increase convection and radiation. High wattages resistors are larger than low wattage ones.
Using holes and louvres in the casing increases natural convection.
Using fans provides forced convection.
Using heat sinks with fins increases surface area thus providing increased convection and radiation.
Painting heat sinks blacks increases radiation.
Using "heat sink compound", which is a good conductor, between transistors and their heatsinks, improves heat conduction.
Fitting components onto the metal chassis aids the dissipation of heat.


To find the average value of a set of numbers.
Add up all the values in the set and then divide by the number of items in the set.

For example, the average value of 15 and 6 and 12 is

15 + 6 + 12 divided by 3 which equals 33/3 = 11

To find the average number of days in a month.
Add up the total days for each month in the year and divide by the number of months in the year.
365 days divided by 12 months = 30.416 days in an average month.

Average values can look a bit silly. The average family is 2 parents and 1.5 babies.


The mixer has two input signals of different frequencies, f1 and f2.
These inputs are mixed together in the mixer. (some books say "beaten" together, others say "heterodyned").

f1 and f2 then come out of the mixer, together with two new frequencies.
One of the new frequencies is the sum of the two inputs, f1 + f2.
The other is the difference between the two inputs, f1 - f2.

For example, if the inputs are 1 Mhz and 1.47 MHz then the sum frequency is 2.47 MHz.
The difference frequency is 0.47 MHz (470 kHz).

Sometimes, on the radio, two adjacent stations will produce an interfering whistle.
This is because their frequencies are close enough to beat together.
The difference between their frequencies is in the audio range.

If you have two racks of equipment, cooled by fans, the noise produced by each fan rotating often beats together to give a low frequency beat noise.

Mixers are used as part of the FREQUENCY CHANGER in radios.

Understanding mixers will help you to understand the MODULATION process in A.M. transmitters.


When the same note, say middle C, is played on different instruments, the musical notes produced sound different.
This is because that as well as producing the FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY of middle C they also produce multiples of this frequency called HARMONICS.
The fundamental is a pure sine wave.

The number and amplitude of the harmonics determines the characteristic sound of the instrument.
The harmonic which is twice the fundamental frequency, as in the diagram, is called the 2nd harmonic.
The frequency which is three times the fundamental is the 3rd harmonic.
The 3rd, 5th, 7th etc are called ODD harmonics.
The 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th etc are called EVEN harmonics.

A square wave is made up from a fundamental frequency sine wave and an infinite number of odd harmonics.

A sawtooth wave form consists of a fundamental plus an infinite number of even harmonics.

If a sine wave is injected into an amplifier the output wave form may be distorted.
This may be due to harmonics being generated by the amplifier.


The generator at the power station which produces our AC mains rotates through 360 degrees to produce one cycle of the sine wave form which makes up the supply.
In the next diagram there are two sine waves.
They are out of phase because they do not start from zero at the same time.
To be in phase they must start at the same time.
The waveform A starts before B and is LEADING by 90 degrees.
Waveform B is LAGGING A by 90 degrees.
The last diagram, known as a PHASOR DIAGRAM, shows this in another way.

The phasors are rotating anticlockwise as indicated by the arrowed circle.
A is leading B by 90 degrees.

The length of the phasors is determined by the amplitude of the voltages A and B.
Since the voltages are of the same value then their phasors are of the same length.
If voltage A was half the voltage of B then its phasor would be half the length of B.

All this has nothing to do with "set your phasors on stun".


Amplifiers are used to increase the voltage or power amplitude of signals.
They have many applications.

AUDIO VOLTAGE amplifiers boost the amplitude of signals between the frequency range 20 Hz to 20 KHz. This is the range of human hearing.
They are often used as PRE-AMPLIFIERS before the main amplifier.

AUDIO POWER amplifiers provide the power necessary to drive loudspeakers. They also amplify a frequency range from 20Hz to 20 KHz.

INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY (i.f.) amplifiers are used in radio receivers.
High frequency radio signals are changed to the lower intermediate frequency by a FREQUENCY CHANGER circuit.
The i.f in A.M. radios is about 455 KHz. In F.M. radios it is 10.7 MHz.

RADIO FREQUENCY amplifiers amplify a selected band of frequencies.
Radio frequencies extend from about 30 KHz up to several thousand MHz.
The band of frequencies is selected by a BAND PASS FILTER or a TUNING circuit.

WIDE BAND amplifiers are designed to amplify a very wide band of frequencies, say from a few Hertz up to several hundred MHz.

VIDEO amplifiers are used in television cameras, receivers, vcr's etc. The bandwidth extends from DC up to about 6MHz.

DIRECTLY COUPLED amplifiers have no coupling capacitors between stages so that they are able to amplify DC signals.

DIFFERENTIAL amplifiers have two inputs and amplify the DIFFERENCE between the two input voltages.
If both inputs are the same then there is no output from the amplifier.
If there is an interfering signal then it will be picked up by both inputs and will not be amplified.
OPAMPS are commonly used as differential amplifiers.

See the page on FREQUENCY RESPONSE for more information.



3 - 30 kilohertz Very low frequencies (VLF)

30 - 300 kilohertz The long wave band (LW)

300 - 3000 kilohertz (3 megahertz) The medium wave band (MW)

3 - 30 megahertz The short wave band (SW)

30 - 300 megahertz Very high frequency band (VHF)

300 - 3000 (3 gigahertz) Ultra high frequency band (UHF)

3 gigahertz - 30 gigahertz Super high frequency band (SHF)

300 - 3000 gigahertz Microwave frequencies

Higher in frequency than this are infra red, visible light, ultra violet, X rays etc which are all forms of Electro Magnetic radiation.


The differentiator is made from a capacitor C, and resistor R, and assembled as shown.
A PULSE TRAIN is applied to the input.
When a pulse of voltage rises suddenly from zero to maximum, the current which is charging C suddenly rises to a maximum value as well.
As C charges, the charging current falls exponentially to zero.
Since this charging current is passing through R the voltage across R (which is the output voltage) does the same.***
Therefore we get the shape shown, with the voltage out rising suddenly to maximum and then falling exponentially to zero.

When the pulse falls to zero C discharges.
The discharge current is high at the start and then falls exponentially to zero as C discharges.
However, since the discharge current is in the opposite direction to the charge current the voltage across across R will be reversed and so the waveform is now shown below the zero line.

For each pulse the waveform out is repeated giving the display shown.

*** Ohms Law says that current is proportional to voltage. Conversely, voltage is proportional to current.


If someone measures the value of the AC voltage coming out of a transformer using an oscilloscope and says it is 20 volts peak to peak and we use a voltmeter to confirm this we will find that the meter reads only 7.07 volts.

This is because the scope measures peak to peak values and the meter measures RMS values.

In figure 1 the 'scope displays the peak value. The peak to peak voltage is twice this.
For example if the peak is 10 volts then the peak to peak is 20 volts.

When using a meter to measure the same AC voltage a different value is obtained. This is because, as we said, meters measure RMS values.

A Root Mean Square (RMS) voltage gives the same heating effect as a DC voltage of the same value.
See figures 2 and 3. Both thermometers show the same temperature when the resistors are heated by the current passing through them.

RMS values can be converted to peak to peak values and vice-versa.

RMS values times 1.414 equals the Peak value.
Peak to Peak is twice this.
7.07 volts RMS times 1.414 and then doubled is 20 volts, the Peak to Peak value.

Peak values times 0.707 gives the RMS value.
Don't forget that Peak is half the Peak to Peak.
20 volts Peak to Peak is 10 volts Peak. 10 volts Peak times 0.707 equals 7.07 volts RMS.

The Mains supply voltage in the UK is 230 volts RMS.


Graphs are one way of showing the relationship between two variables (things that can change in value).
The graph above shows how the brightness of the sun is related to the time of day.
From the start at the bottom left hand corner until just before 6 am brightness is zero. (It is dark).
Brightness increases as time passes being at maximum about 1 pm when the sun is highest in the sky.
Brightness then falls becoming dark at about 9 pm when the sun sets.
Now look at the following graph.
This relates a dry battery voltage to time. It falls slowly over the weeks.

This next graph shows a voltage which slowly rises from zero to a maximum value and then falls suddenly to zero again.

This next graph shows the same thing happening but continues repeating. This is called a WAVEFORM.

The next waveform is called a square waveform because of its shape.
It is at zero for a time and then shoots rapidly to a maximum value and stays there for a time before falling to zero again.
It then repeats itself continuously.

An OSCILLOSCOPE is used to display and measure waveforms.
A common waveform is the SINEWAVE which can alternate between positive and negative voltages.

Note that the horizontal line in all these graphs is called the X axis and the vertical line is the Y axis.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Feedback is when some of the output signal from a circuit is fed back to the input and combined with the input signal.

If input and output signals are in phase then the feedback is POSITIVE.

If the two signals are out of phase then it is NEGATIVE FEEDBACK.

Positive feedback in an amplifier increases the gain and reduces the bandwidth of the amplifier.
If there is sufficient positive feedback then the amplifier will oscillate.
If a microphone is too near to a loudspeaker then you will get positive feedback causing "howl round".

Negative feedback reduces gain and increases bandwidth.


Circuit symbols are a simple representation of electronic components. They simplify the task of drawing circuit diagrams.
A book called British standard BS3939 contains details of circuit symbols used by industry although there is a tendency to use American symbols in logic circuits.

There are two other pages on this site with more circuit symbols।


The two most common materials used in the making of semiconductors are silicon and germanium.
Sand on the beach is silicon and they say that germanium can be obtained from chimney soot.
So you can see that the raw materials are extremely common.
However they do have to be purified to an extraordinary degree.

When purified they have a crystalline construction like salt and sugar.
The atoms which make up the materials are rigidly locked together in a pattern (a LATTICE) in which the electrons, in the atoms, are unable to move.
This means that pure silicon and germanium are good insulators.

After purification, precise amounts of impurities are added (the materials are DOPED).
These impurities fit into the lattice but have associated electrons which are free to move about and produce a flow of electric current.
There is therefore a surplus of negative electrons and the material is called N-type semiconductor.

Other types of impurities can be added to pure silicon and germanium. These produce a shortage of electrons in the lattice.
Therefore there are HOLES in the lattice.
Electrons can jump into these holes, producing a flow of holes.
It's like sitting in a row of chairs in the doctor's waiting room.
When someone gets up and goes into the surgery there is an empty chair (a hole).
People (electrons) move along nearer to the surgery and a hole travels in the opposite direction.

Since there is a shortage of negative electrons there is an overall positive charge and the material is called P-type semiconductor.

The resistance of semiconductors is about half way between conductors and insulators.
Hence the name, semiconductors.

Semiconductors are used in semiconductor devices such as diodes, transistors, integrated circuits etc.


Pulse modulation consists of switching the carrier on and off as required.
Fig.1 shows a continuous wave carrier (CW).
Fig।2 shows the carrier being switched on for a short time to produce a pulse of R.F.

This is the principle of Radar; a short pulse is transmitted and then an echo listened for.
Fig।3 shows a long pulse and three short ones.

This generates the letter B in Morse Code.
Fig।4 shows Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

The width of the pulse is determined by the amplitude of the modulating signal at that instant.
Fig। 5 shows Pulse Position Modulation (PPM).

Here the width and amplitude of the pulse are constant but its position is determined by the amplitude of the modulating signal.
PULSE CODE MODULATION is where the amplitude of the modulation is measured at regular intervals and a binary number generated to represent that amplitude.


If you connect a long wire to the output terminals of your Hi-Fi amplifier and another long wire to the input of another amplifier, you can transmit music over a short distance.
DON'T try this. You could blow up your amplifier.

A radio wave can be transmitted long distances.
To get our audio signal to travel long distances we piggyback it onto a radio wave.
This process is called MODULATION.

The radio wave is called the CARRIER.

The audio signal is called the MODULATION.

At the receiving end the audio is recovered by a process called DEMODULATION.

From the diagram below, it can be seen that when the carrier is modulated, its amplitude goes above and below its unmodulated amplitude.

It is about 50% modulated in the diagram.
The maximum percentage modulation possible is 100%.
Going above this causes distortion.
Most broadcasters limit modulation to 80%।

Modulating the carrier frequency with an audio frequency produces two new frequencies.
At this point it would be a good idea to read the page on MIXERS.
These new frequencies are called the upper and lower SIDEBANDS.
The upper sideband is the carrier frequency plus the audio frequency.
The lower side band is the carrier frequency minus the audio frequency।

Since the audio signal is not a single frequency but a range of signals (usually 20 Hz to 20 KHz) the sidebands are each 20Hz to 20 KHz wide.

If you tune across a station in the Medium Wave Band you will find that it takes up space in the band.
This is called the signal BANDWIDTH.
This is the space taken by the upper and lower sidebands.
In the the example given above it would be 40 KHz.
Since the Medium Wave is only 500 KHZ wide there would only be space for about 12 stations.
Therefore the bandwidth of stations is limited to 9 KHz, which limits the audio quality.

If there are two stations too close together, their sidebands mix and produce HETERODYNE whistles.

Since both sidebands carry the same information, one side can be removed to save bandwidth.
This is SSB, single sideband transmission.Since the audio signal is not a single frequency but a range of signals (usually 20 Hz to 20 KHz) the sidebands are each 20Hz to 20 KHz wide.

If you tune across a station in the Medium Wave Band you will find that it takes up space in the band.
This is called the signal BANDWIDTH.
This is the space taken by the upper and lower sidebands.
In the the example given above it would be 40 KHz.
Since the Medium Wave is only 500 KHZ wide there would only be space for about 12 stations.
Therefore the bandwidth of stations is limited to 9 KHz, which limits the audio quality.

If there are two stations too close together, their sidebands mix and produce HETERODYNE whistles.

Since both sidebands carry the same information, one side can be removed to save bandwidth.
This is SSB, single sideband transmission.